Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Networked Learning Project

As I have said in a previous post, I am building a Personal Learning Network for Web 2.0 class. This PLN is a foundation for our Networked Learning Project. We are to choose what topic we wish to study, and run with it. I have wavered between a few passions I have, including politics, education reform, and architecture (as evident in my last blog post). It breaks my heart to have to say no to some of these subjects, but one of the purposes of this project is to acquire in-depth understanding of a specialized passion. I have realized that if I study education reform, then there's a chance that this will help me to study my other passions in the future. So, after much debate I have decided to reform education, or at least try to. I really want to make a difference, and as a student I will have a unique and time-sensitive opportunity to contribute to school evolution in a way that differs from many adults. I want to look into ideas such as passion-driven learning. As a short-term goal I want to make some sort of difference in my school. As a long-term goal it would be nice to give future generations of students the education that my generation wants.

This project, as a requirement,  will meet standards set for all Web 2.0 Foundations NLP's.

Creativity And Innovation
This is one of my main focuses because my goal is to study into new ideas in education and possibly look for ways to implement them.

Communication and Collaboration
My project will comply with this standard as I plan to continue communicating with people via twitter and work with other people in my school if they are working on a related topic.

Research and Information Fluency
This project will be very research-oriented because there is already a plethora of information on the subject so I will have to dig into that.

Critical thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
Some ideas are not compatible with each other, some ideas take a lot of energy to make compatible with each other, and some ideas don't work at all. It will be up to me to use the above skills to make things work.

Digital Citizenship
This standard will be a standard that will be met continuously as I use the internet. I do not believe that ethical behavior will be a challenge in this project, but I will not overlook it.

Technology Operations and Concepts

There is no better way to demonstrate an understanding of technology than by using it properly, and I plan to do exactly that throughout this course.

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